Usha Menon Coaching

Enhance your skill sets with our coaching designed exclusively for nonprofit leaders, executives and emerging leaders.

Enhance your skill sets with our coaching designed exclusively for nonprofit leaders, executives and emerging leaders.

Board of a charity - coaching session
I am on the Board of a charity. And I seem to have an issue with the CEO of this charity. How do I perform my duties diligently while not overstepping my role?
My donor is specific how we should use his donation. However, I am worried what he needs is not in line with the needs of our beneficiary. How do I educate the donor such that the sizeable donation he wants to make still can be used to address the actual needs in our community?
I come from the financial sector; however, I am unprepared to lead the finance team because charity finance policies are so alien and confusing to me. I need help.
As chair of a charity board, how do I know my roles and responsibilities, so that I can serve the community better. I sit on listed-company boards where the bottom line is so easy to understand. I need someone to guide me in my charity governance role.
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Has any of the above questions ever crossed your mind? If yes, our coaching sessions can solve your issues.
Enhance your skill sets with our coaching designed exclusively for nonprofit leaders, executives and emerging leaders.  

We offer coaching in the following areas

Advising and mentoring fundraising and development directors to evaluate their skills and competencies for effective fundraising leadership.

Coaching brilliant marketing and sales personnel who are sector-shifters to understand the nuances, realities and policy implications of the social impact sector, is another feature of our coaching.
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A trusted advisor to Board Chair, CEO and Executive Directors to understand their dynamics and its implications on the effective governance of the non-profit sector.
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Helping Board Treasures, Management Leaders, Fundraising Directors to understand the processes for ascertaining the full cost of your programmes.

Coaching to help Finance and Fundraising team the difference between general, designated, restricted, endowment funds and how to ensure the proper documentation for these various income sources
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Guiding non-profit leaders (Board & Management) to understand their roles and responsibilities and evaluating their competencies as leaders.
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Please email us at [email protected]. We would love to discuss how we can journey together.